Rectors in Yates County, NY
Below are pages 324 through 330 of Vol 1 of the
1976 reprint of the History and Directory of Yates County by Stafford C.
Cleveland. The long paragraphs have been re-formatted for
ease of locating your Rector ancestor.
THE WEST WOODS In one of a series of articles contributed in 1869, to the
Yates County Chronicle, concerning the "Yates County
Gazetteer," Edward J. Fowle, wrote as follows:
"After the earlier settlers of Benton, about 1816, there
came a colony from Livingston's Manor, Columbia county, who
located in the west part of the town, which for many years
was designated as the West or Dutch Woods. They were an
honest, frugal and industrious people. The 'Old Folks' are
nearly all departed, as are most of the log houses they
built. Many of the descendants reside there, possessing the
virtues of the parents. They are well-to-do farmers, and good
livers. Among them will be found the family names of Crank,
Rector, Finger, Wheeler, Simmons, Carrol, Hoos, Moon, Miller
and Niver. In the young days of the old people, the winters
afforded good times for visiting and social enjoyments. Every
week, if not oftener, at the log residence of some one of
them, the families would all congregate, coming in sleighs or
sleds, when there would be music and dancing, story telling,
refreshments and smoking, while the huge logs blazed sway in
the good large fire-places; and so the evening or night
passed away. There was usually one double log house, with
only one room below, which had two fireplaces, two looms, two
beds, and other furniture, and occupied by two families. And
those primitive times were happy times with them, with few
artificial wants, with no heed to fashions, no class
distinctions, no envyings nor jealousies, their lives glided
along smoothly and pleasantly. Their spiritual wants were
supplied occasionally by an itinerant Dutch or Methodist
minister. They were always kind to one another, at house
raisings and logging bees, at marriages. in sickness and at
death and burial. The large and small wheel, the reel and the
loom, have nearly disappeared from among them, but
agriculture, the dairy, poultry flocks and herds; and general
household duties, now claim the attention of both men and
women, old and young, conducing to health and competence.
They have rarely if ever been engaged in law suits, and never
has one of them been before the courts for wrong doing. It
would be hard for our friends in high life to frame for
themselves a more exalted eulogy."
THE RECTOR FAMILY Andrew Rector was a native of Copake, originally
Taghkanick, Columbia Co., N. Y., and was born in 1762. He
married Charity Rockefellow, of the same place. He died in
Benton, in 1842, at the age of eighty, and she in 1838, at
the age of seventy-two. They came to Benton in 1817, bringing
most of their family of nine children, and settled in the
West Woods, on lot 104, where there was no house or clearing,
buying the land of Samuel Colt, of Geneva, who was a
considerable landholder in that vicinity, and paying ten
dollars per acre. Here they tarried the remainder of their
days. Their children were (1) William, (2)
Hannah, (3) Mary, (4) Teal,
(5) Andrew, (6) Eva, (7)
Christiana, (8) Catharine and (9)
(1) William, born in 1782, married Hannah
Simmons, in Columbia county. They settled in Benton, in 1810,
and on lot 101, in 1813, coming with Henry Simmons previous
to his father. Hannah, his wife, was born in 1786, and died
in 1870. Their children were Elizabeth, Andrew W., Conrad,
Jacob, Charity, David, Catharine and William J.
- Elizabeth, daughter of William Rector, born in 1806,
married James Jennings, of Benton, where she died.
Her children were Hannah, Thomas, William J., Nelson,
Sarah and Jerusha. Hannah married Jesse Tiers, of
Benton. They reside on the Pottertown road, and have
one child, Hannah. Thomas married Anna Wheat, of
Benton. They reside in Naples, and have six children.
William married Cynthia Kirkham, of Benton. They
settled in Naples, and have three children. J. Nelson
married Ursula Wheat, of Benton, a sister of the wife
of Thomas, and has resided with his father. He has a
second wife, Annie E. Washburn, of Naples. They
reside now in Penn Yan. Sarah married John Miller,
resides in Michigan, and has one child. Jerusha
married William Washburn, of' Naples, and has one
- Andrew W., son of William Rector, born in 1806,
married Elizabeth Coons, of Benton, and settled in
Potter. He has held the office of justice of the
peace in that town several years. Their children are
Nelson, Hannah E., Sarah C., Emily J., Amelia M. and
Julian. Nelson married Caroline Coons, of Naples, and
resided in Benton, where she died, leaving two
children, Elizabeth and William. He has a second
wife, Harriet Shaw, of Benton, and there are two
children of the second marriage, Caroline and Andrew.
Hannah E. is unmarried. Sarah married Orson Linkletter, of Steuben county. They reside in Naples.
Emily married Daniel Reynolds, of Middlesex, and
resides in Michigan. They have one child, Llewellyn.
Amelia M. married Daniel Olcott, of Naples, where
they reside. They have one child. Julia married
Addison Hasley, of Potter, and resides with her
- Conrad Rector, born in 1809, married Mary Wheeler, of
Benton, and settled in Naples. They have one child,
- Jacob, born in 1812, married Maria Coons, of Benton,
and resides in Naples. They have one son, John.
- Catharine, born in 1822, married Seymour Wheeler, of
Potter, and resides in Naples. Their children are Werder, Malcolm and Hannah.
- Charity, born in 1815, married John Rector, of
- David, born in 1815, married Susan Bates, of Potter,
and resides in Naples. They have one child, Hannah.
- William J. born in 1826, married Cataline Kelsey, of
Benton, and resides with his father on the homestead.
He is an enterprising and thrifty farmer. He has a
second wife, Eleanor, daughter of Thomas Davis, of
(2) Hannah, daughter of Andrew Rector,
senior, married Henry Simmons.
(3) Mary married Christian Niver, of
Columbia county. They did not come to this county. Their
children were Andrew, Elizabeth, Henry, Charity, Hannah,
Catharine, Mary B. and Norman. Elizabeth and Catharine only
became residents of this county.
- Elizabeth Niver married Col. William Carroll, and
settled in Benton, where she died, leaving seven
children, James, Peter D., Alfred, Ann, William,
Worthy and Mary E.
- Col. Carroll married a second wife, Catharine
sister of his first wife. Their children were
Adelaide; Hannah J., Mercena and Frank. William
Carroll was the successor of Col. Gilbert Sherer, as
colonel of the old 103d regiment of Militia. He died
in 1860, at the age of fifty-one. His son James
Carroll is a Methodist clergyman. He is married, and
resides in Connecticut. Peter D. married Mary J.
Miller, of Columbia Co., and resides on a portion of
the paternal homestead, on lot 106. Their children
are Jane, Deloss, Seneca, Gazelle and Floyd. Alfred
married Sarah Doremus, of Penn Yan, and resides on
the place known as the Lovejoy farm, south of Cranks
Corners. Their children are Grace, Charles and Fred.
Baron married Mary, daughter of Simon Forshay, of
Penn Yan. They reside in Torrey, on the Penn Yan and
Dresden road, and their children are Job and Will.
William married Alice Niver, of Columbia county, and
resides there. Mary E. is the wife of William Miner
Taylor, of Benton. Worthy is single, and is one of
the firm of S. J. Larham & Co., grocers, and
resides in Penn Yan. Adelaide married Charles Swarthout, of Torrey, and resides on the Swarthout
family homestead. They have one son, Henry. Hannah J.
married Dudley Olney, of Torrey. They reside at
Ypsilanti, Michigan. Marcena and Frank are unmarried,
and reside in Penn Yan.
(4) Teal Rector, born in 1789, married
Eleanor Finger, of Columbia county, and settled on the
homestead in Benton, where he died, in 1859, leaving eight
children: Charity, John, Jacob T., Eliza, William T., Simeon,
and Lucetta and Lewis, twins.
- Charity, born in 1812, married David Lovejoy, of
Benton, and they reside in Ohio. Their children are
John, Albert and Simeon.
- John, son of Teal Rector, born in 1813, married his
cousin, Charity, daughter of William Rector. They
reside in Naples, and their children are James and
- Jacob T., born in 1815, married Catharine Baker, of
Benton, and resides in Milo, on the Conrad Shattuck farm. Their
children are Madriff, May and Stephen.
Madriff married Sarah Gordon, of Barrington, and
resides with his father. Mary married Holly Snyder,
of Barrington.
- Eliza, born in 1817, married John Finger, Jr., and
settled in Benton, where she died, in 1839, leaving
one surviving child, McKendric.
- William T., born in 1820, married Mary Church, of
Benton, and moved to Cohocton, N. Y., where she and
her four children died within one month, the children
of diphtheria, and she of pulmonary disease. He
married a second wife, Catharine Harris, of Conhocton, and resides there.
- Simeon, born in 1823, married Hannah Elder, of
Benton, and resides at Iona, Michigan. They have two
children, George and Oscar.
- Lewis married Catharine Potts, of Benton, and resides
in Jerusalem.
- Lucretia was the first wife of Freeman G. Wheeler, of
Penn Yan, and died in 1864.
- Eleanor, wife of Teal Rector, died in 1866.
(5) Andrew Rector, jr., born in 1792,
married Dorothea Finger, of Columbia county, and settled in
Benton, with his father. He died in 1842. Their children were
John H., Andrew, Edward and Henry, twins, Elizabeth, Jane,
Jeremiah, Norman, Polly, William F. and Jacob.
- John H., born in 1814, died single, in 1835.
- Andrew, born in 1816, married Elizabeth Finger, of
Benton. Their children are John and Helen.
- Edward, born in 1820, married Diantha Shaw, of
Benton, and moved to Rockford, Michigan.
- Henry married Harriet Gilbert, of Benton, and resides
in that town. Their children are William W., Charles,
Albert, Madison, John and Rosa, of whom William W.
married Margaret Shaw, and resides in Naples.
- Elizabeth, born in 1828, married Freeman Carroll, and
resides at Benton Center. Their children were James
and Anna.
- Fanny Jane, born in 1825, married Jefferson B. Briggs
of Potter and they reside at Potter Hollow, Michigan.
- Jeremiah, born in 1827, married Artimetia Shaw, of
Benton, and resides on the old Andrew Rector family
homestead, on lot 104. Their children are Dorothea,
Miner and George.
- Norman married Harriet, daughter of Baltus Wheeler,
of Jerusalem, and resides in that town. They have one
son, Jerome.
- William F., born in 1831, married Phebe Jane,
daughter of Theron R. Finch, of Potter. They have one
child, and reside at Cascade, Michigan.
- Jacob T., born 1836, married Esther J. Corey, of
Jerusalem. They reside at Birchtown, Michigan.
(6) Eva Rector, born in 1794, married
Jeremiah Finger, of Columbia county, and settled in the
"West Woods." Their children were John J., Andrew,
Mary, Catharine, Charity, Hannah and Norton.
- John J., born in 1815, married Sally Coons, of Benton
and resides In that town. Their children are Emily,
Hannah, Jane, William and Sidney. Emily married
Charles Owen. Their children are Wilkie and Florence.
The others are single.
- Andrew married Rosetta, daughter of Julius Barnes,
Jr., of Jerusalem, and resides in Benton. Their
children are Samuel, Rachel and Margaret.
- Mary was the second wife of Martin Brown, jr., of
- Hannah married Abraham Bain, of Benton, and resides
there. Their children are
Theodore, Andrew and
- Catharine died single.
- Charity is unmarried.
- Norton married Emily Hainer, of Benton, and resides
on his father's homestead. Their children are Oliver,
Mary, Alice, Margaret, Irene and Eva.
(7) Christiana Rector, born in 1789,
married Garnet Crank, of Columbia county. They settled near
her father. He was a blacksmith, and gave the name to Crank's
Corners, where they reside. Their children are Andrew, Amy,
Charity and John M.
- Andrew married Mary A. Simmons, of Schoharie county,
and resided in Benton, at the old McIntyre blacksmith
stand on the Pottertown road, where he died, leaving
three children, Emma, Catharine and Bradford. Emma
married George Sampson, of Benton. They reside in
Penn Yan, and have one son, George. Catharine married
William Barringer, of Benton, where they reside. They
have two children, Lizzie and Minnie. Bradford
married Della Hatch, of Penn Yan, and resides in
- Amy Crank died single.
- Charity married Clinton Chrysler, of Benton, where
she died, leaving one child, Charity.
- John M. married Samantha Simmons, sister of the wife
of Andrew 3d, and settled on the homestead with his
father. He died, leaving two children, Christina and
(8) Catharine Rector, born in 1802,
married William H. Simmons.
(9) Elizabeth Rector, born in 1806, was
the first wife of Martin Brown, jr., and the mother of his
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